søndag 9. mai 2010

Petter Solberg.....

Petter Solbergs herlige engelske sitater:

1. "It's not only only to win this race"

2. "Sorry, in my country the rat is on the other side."

3. "Excuse me, what is the fart limit?"

4. "This microphone smells each time i speak."

5. Petter som ble spurt av en tv reporter rett før han skulle kjøre løp:

Reporter: "So Petter, did you come here to die??"

Petter: "no, I arrived yesterday"

6. "And now the prick over the i"

7. "I had a very big fart, and suddenly I fucked off the road"

8. "I had a stop in the start"

9. "I had to go off the road, to save the car"

10."It wåss dæven døtte meg close ass..vell vell,vi have to see how the rest of the race go"

11. "I drove over the hill"

12. "I'm driving round the corner, and crash in the christmas tree."

13. "It's not the fart that kills you, it's the smell"

14. "I had bad pigs in my dekk"

15. "It was a moose in the engine"

16. "but but, it is't only only you know"

17. "It wåss so møch dog on the window"

18. "It's not only only, but but "

19. "it was werry werry funny"

20. "he is my wife in the car ehh....no sex"

21. "I drived and then it was a sving and a sving til så a stein and pang i drived rett in the juletre"

22. "When i keim around the corner, it all went to Hælvette"

23. "The car understyrt ænd I was going strait fram"

24. ''I came with a great fart and dishappered as a prikk in the sky''

25. "I'm slædding utafor the kænt"

26. "I just take full fart and Drive "

mandag 3. mai 2010


I helga var vi på hytta og trente til brukskåring på søndag, ikke helt ideelt med sprengtrening dagen før prøven, men det var nå sånn det ble da ;)

Både Lita og Kilah besto brukskåringen...jeeej :)

Arcanorums Fancy Felicity har gjennomført RIK grunnkurs og har nå RIK lisens, gratulerer :)